Monday, August 25, 2008

New Brews at the Marotte Brewery

So, I've decided to join the realm of the blog. I thought it might be interesting (mostly for myself) to write little blurbs about home brewing and let everyone know what is currently brewing and on tap at the Marotte Brewery (my condo).

Tune in for randomly vague comments that may either boast my great brewing prowess, or let everyone know that I really don't know what I am doing, and I just seem to get lucky when it comes to making beer.

I'm keeping my first post short and sweet. Auf wedersen!

1 comment:

Edna Lee said...

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!!!!!
I'm stoked that you're blogging! You brew some awesome beers, so now I'll know when to show up to your house uninvited to hit the kegerator for a fresh brew. (Did I spell that correctly? It's not exactly on any of my 4th grade spelling lists.)